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Web Development

Good Luck, Alex

Something like two years ago, this quiet, unassuming guy started at NavArts by sitting at a table behind a wall. For a few weeks. Then we got him a cube. But he’d already been up to great things before he started with us.

He’s contributed and inspired in profound ways, raising CSS to an art form for all of us. He’s entertained us with his sense of humor. When I moved to Massachusetts, I could always count on a great “news of the weird” link being sent my way on any given day. I took secret pride in having hired that guy.

The funny part? Everyone had heard of Except me. And I read a lot of blogs. But, then, sure enough, it was everywhere. Just one of those things you notice after you … notice them, you know?

I used to tell people, “Yeah, you know Alex, the guy who runs that site? He works at NavArts.” I was literally told once, “He’s a rock star.”

Sadly now, I’m going to have to say, “Yeah, uh, that guy used to work at NavArts…” Just doesn’t have the same kick, does it?

His modesty is matched only by his talent. Today marked Alex’s last day at NavArts, but he’s got a new venture.

Good luck Alex. You’ll be missed. But, keep in touch, huh?

Jun 6, 12:49 AM in Web Development (filed under General, NavigationArts)

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