

My name is Rob Cherny and I'm a professional Web Developer with 16 years of experience creating Web sites and Web-based applications. This site is where I write about my work, and random other things...

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Web Development

365 Days Stale

So it’s been 365 days since I last touched the blog here at That’s gotta be a new record, and one of course I’m not proud of. Suffice to say it’s not like nothing’s been going on. Mostly, I’ve been working and doing the family thing.

Additionally, I’ve written a few articles and been posting a fledgling blog elsewhere that I hope to talk about a bit. For the most part this year I’ve been doing Sitecore CMS development, working with ASP.NET and C#. Sitecore is an excellent Content Management System, which I’ve really been enjoying working with. But that’s a different article. Working in the Microsoft world and being a Web standards advocate is always interesting… I’m happy to say that I’ve been able to churn out some HTML5 in the context of Sitecore and ASP.NET, so that’s been fun.

No worries, the site isn’t suddenly going to be the diary of a front-end developer that has drunk Redmond’s Kool-aidâ„¢. I don’t see the focus of the site changing much if I were to ramp up on the posting.

If I get around to it, in separate posts I’ll note some of the projects and articles around the Interwebs that I’ve been working on.



Nov 6, 12:03 PM in Web Development (filed under General, CMSContent-Management)

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