

My name is Rob Cherny and I'm a professional Web Developer with 16 years of experience creating Web sites and Web-based applications. This site is where I write about my work, and random other things...

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Web Development

Busy Busy Busy

I wouldn’t expect much activity around here for the next two weeks or so at a minimum. As some of you may know, we’re moving several states away and that has us a little tied up.

I’m trying to make room for keeping in touch with current events online, reading my feeds, etc., but it’s tough. Especially because I’m also cranking on a heck of a deadline at work. So, the site may stagnate a bit in the coming weeks.

It bothers me, because there’s so much to do and say around here. I’ve got to update the jQuery library. My Ajax script needs some tweaks. I’ve been dying to update the links section to be a full on links blog, and the plugin I’m using supports it, but I just haven’t. Ugh. And the recommendations area is already stagnant. I’m also looking to include a little more personal stuff, but you never know.

Well, I gotta run, without a doubt. Check back in a few weeks.

Jul 23, 01:15 PM in Web Development (filed under ChernyCom, General)

  1. Dave Mertz    Aug 9, 09:50 PM    #

    Curious.. what will the first Pearl Jam song be in the new Cherny household in NE!?

  2. rob    Aug 13, 12:30 PM    #

    dave, I think it was “life wasted” from the new record, just because I tried the speakers on the new computer setup and that was the first song on the new album that I queued up. so, no real significance, but it answers the question!

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