Personal Posts
Critical Mass
So the last few weeks, and heck, even months have been something else, I gotta say. Been working too much again, but what’s new?
At any rate, things have been quiet around the site. That may change …uh, at least in a few weeks when I have more time…
But what’s been going on? Well without giving away too much, I can allude…
- working lots (again)
- putting in new floors; wow, that was expensive
- the computer dies
- the computer comes back
- bees under the deck? wow, that was expensive
- tree to be trimmed
- overtime, huh?
- work
- not feeling so good; more than one of us even
- planning a cruise for us; she’s so great :)
- buying a cruise; wow, that was expensive (but can’t wait!)
- Ralphie gets sick; wow, that was expensive
- also have no idea what’s wrong with the boy; bummer
- book edits you say?
- nephew for a week
- computer really dies; and doesn’t come back!
- new computer! wow, that was expensive
- what’s that, learn a whole new OS you say?
- you mean to tell me the printer doesn’t work either?
- there be whales here!
- friends and family for another week
- good times
- oh, you mean the rest of the tree too? wow, that was expensive
- the dryer quit working; wet clothes to the cleaners; fix it; wow, that was expensive
- shore excursions; wow that was expensive
- refinancing goodness… and badness
- car radiators: a necessary evil; wow that was expensive
- skunks smell really bad
- furnace work; furnace dies
- reworking the whole furnace; wow, that was expensive too
- going under the knife
- ouch, that hurt!
- traveling for work (again)
- ...vacation!
- sickies…
It’s been a rough summer, and heck, even fall so far! Trying to keep things in perspective though.
We needed a vacation badly. Gladly, we took one. But that’s another post. ;-)
Oct 14, 12:39 AM in Personal Posts (filed under General)
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