

My name is Rob Cherny and I'm a professional Web Developer with 16 years of experience creating Web sites and Web-based applications. This site is where I write about my work, and random other things...

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Web Development

Super Busy, but Going to An Event Apart Boston 2007

So content around here in the next few weeks, unless I get really lucky, is going to be a bit on the light side. I may be traveling three times in the next three weeks, and the wife and I are having company two times over the next two weekends. So I’ll be a tad bit preoccupied, like I said, unless I get lucky. Hurts too as I’ve got about 4 articles at least in the queue. I say this as I work on a draft of a presentation I may be giving next week, in my hotel room in VA at 12AM. So I’m at least traveling once. ;-)

On the other side, I am happy to say that I’ll be attending the very cool looking An Event Apart.

This conference is a virtual who’s who of the Web Standards community, so I’m sure it’ll deliver. So many names, so many great Web sites and books that I’ve read. Most excellent.

Anyone else going, please drop me a line, I won’t know anyone off hand ….

Feb 21, 03:15 AM in Web Development (filed under Web-Standards)

  1. Eric Meyer    Feb 21, 01:00 PM    #

    Hey, really glad to hear you’re coming, Rob! Even if nobody else drops you a line, you should absolutely feel free to hunt me down during one of the breaks or at a party and say “hi”.

  2. rob    Feb 22, 11:52 AM    #

    Thanks Eric, I appreciate that. I look forward to seeing you there!

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