Web Development
Goodbye CSS Beauty? No Way.
Over at CSS Beauty Alex posts commenting on the fact that Stylegala is being sold and points to an article which comments on CSS gallery sites and if they still are of value, or if their time is coming to an end. Both Alex and Simon Collison agree that the time is now to diversify and think about new ways to show the ways standards can look good. Both from a code perspective and from a simple look and feel perspective.
I posted over there and just thought I’d mirror here:
I couldn’t agree more. Sites like yours are essential not only to the community but to those who haven’t caught the Web Standards bug. There’s an army of them out there and they still are using tables and don’t know the power of separating content from presentation (and, more recently, from behavior). Ironically, they seem to be more in IT departments lately from what I can tell, but they’re also the easiest to convince, typically. They just haven’t been paying attention.
Folks see sites like the ones you feature and they know you can do great things visually with standards. Will it be comprehensive? No way, that’s a pipe dream. There’s this site called google to index the Web. Don’t try it.
Visual design hooks people in and eliminates doubt where naysayers years ago assumed CSS based design was boring.
I’ve noticed a shift—years ago it was that—“CSS is boring”. Now more and more it sparks interest when you introduce people to it and they see what great things it can do. But we still have to reach that army of people who need to know, and there’s plenty out there, trust me, I’ve seen their resumes.
Besides, a good looking site is good looking site, and does provide inspiration on many levels, either the code or the way it looks.
How did you learn HTML first? Finding a site which looked good and viewing the source.
The more we talk about how we’ve done it, the more people will buy in, and there’s many more who still need to learn.
I think you’re on the right track. Keep it up. Diversify the site and make it about all about Web standards. We need more, not less. The question becomes, who’s your audience? Those that know, or those that still need to learn? Or both? How do you address that difference?
Well, that's why this site is what it is. I'm walking that line, still trying to show some interesting content about new ways of doing things. I figure you can't have enough of fighting the good fight.
May 18, 10:55 AM in Web Development (filed under Design, Web-Standards)
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