

My name is Rob Cherny and I'm a professional Web Developer with 16 years of experience creating Web sites and Web-based applications. This site is where I write about my work, and random other things...

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Personal Posts

Hello World

So I’ve had the Cherny Dot Com (sometimes I call it “CDC” for kicks) domain since somewhere around 1997. I had a series of splash pages, a nice little memorial after 9/11, and even a pseudo-blog in 2000 (yes, as early as 2000). I’ve used the domain for various things, except really mainly email and FTP.

So it was time. I’ve been working on this off and on since about December, fueled by new Pearl Jam singles and all.

This is really my first effort at building my personal site up to be something to use and enjoy. It’s a work in progress, but I hope to do a lot with it, so check back, constant reader (if you get that, it’s a joke, of course).

Apr 7, 01:12 AM in Personal Posts (filed under ChernyCom)

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