

My name is Rob Cherny and I'm a professional Web Developer with 16 years of experience creating Web sites and Web-based applications. This site is where I write about my work, and random other things...

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September 2008

IE8 CSS Vendor Extensions from Microsoft
Cool list of CSS properties MS is adding to IE8 that will use a vendor -ms-property-name type notation.

JS and CSS Minification with YUI
Easy concatenation with command line and then minification with YUI.

JS and Objects
Quite a succinct demo of different methods for Objects in JavaScript.

IE8b2 round-up
PPK gives an overview of the DOM, CSS, and other changes and updates in IE 8 Beta 2, just released.

Degrading Script Tags
Interesting scripting ideas using the SCRIPT element to both load external files and execute the code it's wrapped around. via John Resig, again.

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