

My name is Rob Cherny and I'm a professional Web Developer with 16 years of experience creating Web sites and Web-based applications. This site is where I write about my work, and random other things...

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Link Blog

April 2007

What Happens in Quirks Mode?
Great article which outlines some of the behaviors which are different between Quirks Mode and Standards/Strict mode. Course, if you're still building in Quirks mode, you'll read this and be like, “so?” What's interesting to me is that the top issues are IE issues... yeah.

Web Design Survey
A List Apart hosts a soon to be annual survey of Web designers and Web professionals, in an attempt to learn more about our industry. Only time will tell, but I'll probably fill it out...

POSH - New Term
Plain Old Semantic HTML. Nice ring to it.

Proposal to Adopt HTML5
The WHATWG has officially offered to hand over their work products to the new W3C working group. We'll see ...

Molly Update on Microsoft
Latest update from Molly over at the IEBlog on what her priorities are and how things are shaping up. Go Molly go.

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